Europe’s real terrorists?

by planetparker

I don’t want to compound the grief felt by most Norwegians at the horrible events that occurred last Friday by point scoring. I do feel that what happens may point to the way in which the people of many countries in Europe have been hoodwinked into believing that the only source of terror comes from Islam or from the Middle East.

 I see myself as a Christian, yet I believe many so-called Christian fundamentalists to be no better than devil worshippers. As a Christian I neither fear nor hate Islam or those who practice it. For me followers of Islam actually live all facets of their religion. Many mainstream politicians in Europe will react with disgust to what happened in Norway and the views expressed by their perpetrator towards Islam, but aren’t those who have voted in favour of bans on Islamic dress not guilty of Islamophobia? A person wearing Islamic dress, or describing himself as an imam or an Islamic scholar will no doubt figure on the radar of Europe’s police forces, and will find it troublesome to cross borders. I very much doubt they  will gain entry to the United States, but the clean-shaven, blond-haired Anders Behring Breivik, a graduate of the Oslo School of Management who speaks fluent English, will  have no such trouble.

Islamophobia it must be stated, is the new anti Semitism of the extreme right. While it has been brewed up from the European gutters by people like Le Pen, the late Pim Fortuyn and his heir Wilders, the union with “Christian fundamentalism” is altogether American in origin. Remember the woman who, during the 2008 US presidential race, explained her distaste of voting for Barack Obama because he was “an Arab”. This anti-Arab and anti-Islamic element within the American government has infected Europe’s intelligence services who have been far too busy keeping “suspected Islamic extremists” under surveillance that they have turned a blind eye to the proliferation of home-grown, xenophobic extremists within Europe.