Dr Brendan Scott ?

by planetparker

Viewers of long-running soap opera Coronation Street in the early 1990s may remember a character called Brendan Scott, played by British TV actor Milton Johns. He was, I think, an area manager for supermarket chain Betabuys and was the scourge of Curly Watts and his boss Rambling Reg Holdsworth. Apart from the shared name I don’t see any link between the above and what follows, apart from the fact that Mr Johns once played the role of Adolf Eichmann.

 It seems to me that there is a certain historian whose friends seem to have nothing better to do than surf the Internet looking for anything that might show him up for what he is. So they visit my website a lot and read pages which have those magical words “Brendan Snott” in the title. A;ternatively they search for anything about that haemorrhoid on the face of Co. Cavan, the “Cavan County Museum”. You know my blog contains lots of other material reflecting my widespread abilities and interests, but these human cockroaches would find some of my posts too challenging. I’ve got a message for them.

 I know what you’re looking at, and who you are. Why don’t you find something nearer to your tastes like some kiddy porn, or something on your intellectual kevel like the Cartoon Channel? So fuck off!!!