For Farce say FAS again

by planetparker

A week can’t go by without a story about malversation in the State training body FAS, and today brings news that two private contractors involved in the provision of training are being looked into by the cops.

 So FAS is being diddled by the crowd at the top, jetting off en famille on first-class air tickets and staying in the poshest of hotels, while lower down some of those who should be providing training may be on the fiddle. And let us not forget the consummate ease with which the wives of senior management figures could get onto FAS schemes – but the poor dears had to get out of the house you know.The victims who have apparently been forgotten about are those who look to an organisation like FAS to provide training in skills that may, in theory, improve their chances in the jobs market. It is symbolic that so many members f Ireland’s well-connected elite have always seen it instead as yet another cash cow. But those people are poor, and the poor are always with us, and if they are poor it’s their own fault. Yes, I agree Veuve Clicquot ’72 was a good year but it wasn’t a patch on ’61, I have a full crate of it, well actually I nicked it from daddy shortly before he keeled over, and that wasn’t the only thing I nicked from him…