Prescription charges

The Irish Department of Health has introduced a 50 cent charge on each prescribed item. When my 90 year old father heard this he couldn’t get to sleep,. His doctor prescribes him maybe a dozen items each month and he was horrified with the prospect of his miserly pension being swallowed up.

 Why is it that the ordinary old people of Ireland have to suffer in this way?

 Those right-wingers who inform the minister’s policy should bear in mind that you can hardly tell someone who is ninety years of age that they should get a job and stop being a burden. The alternative, which no doubt would be favoured by these nameless neo-cons, is to let the old and the sick die. That way the balance of payments will be healthier and strong, able-bodied, hard-working people will not have to deal with part of their hard-earned cash having to go to maintain in life those whose “best before” dates have long expired and who are only be kept alive by a misplaced sense of sentimentalism. Such views are akin to Nazism, and I think it is only fair to add that my father fought Nazism and nearly lost his life on numerous occasions doing so, whereas the parents of Mary Harnery’s officials probably had their ears glued to their radio sets listening to Lord Haw-Haw during World War 2.

 The cynical nature of these charges can be seen in the refusal of the Minister to make a waver for those who are terminally ill. The sick logic should be abundantly clear here. “Let them die”, and then if they’re dead they can’t vote against the government – but these people have relatives.

 Have these people no consciences?